If you are new to fitness, finding the right personal trainer, let alone the right gym for you can be a very daunting task. In today’s world, there is vast selection of gyms to choose from. You have your commercial gyms (X-Sport, L.A Fitness, Lifetime, YMCA), Crossfit boxes, gyms with a specific focus (spin studios, yoga studios, etc), as well as privately owned gyms (Three60Fit). Once you have found a gym, you may decide that you want a personal trainer to guide you. Your decision will greatly depend on your goals as well as your personality.

When deciding what gym to get a membership from, you have to keep into account your personality and what your goals are. For someone who wants to do things at their own pace and by themselves, a commercial gym may be the best option. You have the option to design your own workout, go whenever you want, and just do your own thing. Should you decide you need a little bit of help, these gyms usually have trainers that you can hire at any time. Now, on the contrary, you may be someone who wants to be part of a group setting. Commercial gyms can offer group classes but, they may be limited to the type of classes they offer, the amount of space, and very few time slots. Studios such as yoga studios or cycle studios may be a great option for you if you want a group setting and don’t want to just lift weights. Since these studios have a niche they focus on, they typically have a lot of time slots that guests can choose from and fit into their schedule. Crossfit boxes offer the best of both worlds. Crossfit workouts are typically designed as a race/competition. You get the benefit of working out with others while lifting weights and progressing towards strength and fitness gains.

Lastly, if you are someone who may want to take classes some days and workout by themselves on other days but don’t want to go to a crazy crowded gym and wait around for machines or weights to be open, a privately own gym can be a great choice. Private gyms usually offer small classes as well as open gym time. These gyms tend to be very close knit and feel like a small community. Another benefit of these types of gyms is that personal training is most likely one of the most popular services that they have to offer.
Once you’ve chosen a gym and you decide that you may want the extra guidance, you may want to hire on a personal trainer. This can be very tricky because personal trainers are not cheap and the last thing you want is to spend your money and get no results. Also, it is very important to have a good dynamic with your trainer as this could help you stick to your goals. Having a trainer that you don’t get along with may result in you not sticking to consistently working out. Now, you don’t have to become best friends with your trainer but, they should be able to feel comfortable to push you to your limits during an intense workout. Apart from just someone you can get along with, it is important you ask the trainer for their certifications, what experience they have, and if they have any testimonials or any way of showing you results from past clients.

One other very important thing to ask them about is their philosophy on training. Every trainer has a different approach to strength training and depending on their philosophy, they may or may not be a good fit. Equally as important, you must discuss pricing and their availability. They may be fantastic trainers but, if they’re too pricey or their availability doesn’t match with yours, then you won’t be able to hire them on.
Choosing a gym and trainer can seem like a very overwhelming process. Luckily, most gyms offer a free week trial to check them out. Trainers, on the other hand can be a little bit tricker so, it is important you take your time with the process and try to meet as many trainers as you can before you make a final decision.
At Three60fit we know how important it is to make the right choice from the start, that is why we offer a complimentary 30 min consultation with one of our head trainers as well as a complimentary week of unlimited classes. If you've decided to start a new health and fitness routine, we'd love to have you take a look at Three60fit. Schedule your complimentary consult with us today by sending us an email. @three60fittraining@gmail.com
